Grades 6 to 8 Sirius Products for Grades 6 to 8 Solutions to support TEKS instruction, STAAR test prep, or accelerated instruction for your middle school students. Jump to Mathematics Jump to Reading Language Arts Jump to Science Jump to Social Studies Grades 6 - 8 Mathematics Sirius Online: Grade 6 Mathematics Sirius Online: Grade 6 Advanced Mathematics Grade 6 Mathematics: STAAR Preparation and Practice (Student Edition) Grade 6 Math Zingers: Solving the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Sirius Online: Grade 7 Mathematics Grade 7 Mathematics: STAAR Preparation and Practice (Student Edition) Grade 7 Math Zingers: Solving the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Sirius Online: Grade 8 Mathematics Grade 8 Mathematics: STAAR Preparation and Practice (Student Edition) Grade 8 Math Zingers: Solving the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Grades 6 - 8 Reading Language Arts Sirius Online: Grade 6 Reading Language Arts Grade 6 RLA: Essential TEKS with STAAR Practice (Student Edition) Grade 6 Reading Zingers: Answering the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Sirius Online: Grade 7 Reading Language Arts Grade 7 RLA: Essential TEKS with STAAR Practice (Student Edition) Grade 7 Reading Zingers: Answering the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Sirius Online: Grade 8 Reading Language Arts Grade 8 RLA: Essential TEKS with STAAR Practice (Student Edition) Grade 8 Reading Zingers: Answering the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Grades 6 - 8 Science Sirius Online: Grade 8 Science Grade 8 Science: STAAR Preparation and Practice (Student Edition) Grade 8 Science Zingers: Answering the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items Grades 6 - 8 Social Studies Sirius Online: Grade 8 Social Studies Grade 8 Social Studies: STAAR Preparation and Practice (Student Edition) Grade 8 Social Studies Zingers: Answering the Most-Missed STAAR Test Items