Management Team

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Jim Bruno

Director of Educator Success

Jim Bruno has worked in the field of education and educational technology for nearly 40 years. Originally a professor of World Languages, Jim has always been curious about the role that technology plays in learning, dating back to old analog magnetic tape and the Tandberg reel-to-reel programs that recorded end-users interacting with native speakers of a given language.

Even with 30 years of experience developing educational technology and interactive products beyond a decade of teaching in front of the class, Jim’s greatest passion is all about human beings using educational technology, and he has found the greatest satisfaction in helping teachers overcome their struggles with online learning and instruction.

Management Team

Aaron Sanderson

Aaron Sanderson

Director of Marketing

Before his promotion to Director of Marketing, Aaron Sanderson served as Product Manager at Sirius Education Solutions, leveraging his background in education and product development to craft products that directly served the needs of Texas administrators, educators, and students. Aaron applied his unique insight to transform educational complexities into intuitive, user-friendly solutions. Drawing from his own journey as a Texas teacher, he’s committed to creating products that enable educators to succeed, fostering a positive impact on student achievement.