Leadership Team

Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts

CEO & Chief Content Creator

Andrew Roberts is a lifelong educator—first as a teacher and then as a developer of instructional materials. Andrew began his professional career as an engineer but dreamed of being a teacher. He attended Johns Hopkins University on a scholarship where he earned a Master of Arts in Teaching.

Andrew has experience in teaching both children and adults—both in the inner city and in the Appalachian Mountains—in subjects as varied as reading, science, and mathematics. While teaching in a school for low-income Texas students, he participated in a three-year NSF-funded curriculum-writing project.

Andrew then joined a major publisher and rose to become the head of the Mathematics Department. In 2008, he formed an editorial services company to develop curriculum projects for major publishers. In 2012, Andrew started Sirius Education Solutions to help schools better align their curriculum with how the TEKS are tested in STAAR. Andrew is honored to serve the talented staff of Sirius and is inspired to support Texas teachers in making a lasting difference in students’ lives.

Leadership Team

Randy Merriman

Randy Merriman


As President of Sirius Education Solutions, Randy is focused on working with the Sirius team to deliver effective and engaging digital and blended learning products to Texas educators and students. He is dedicated to ensuring that Sirius’s products address the major needs and challenges faced by Texas teachers and administrators, including improving STAAR performance and closing gaps in curriculum and student achievement. 

Prior to joining Sirius, Randy served as the VP, New Media at K12 publisher Holt, Rinehart and Winston, and has held senior positions in eLearning for educational publishers and technology companies including, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, Follett, and National Geographic Digital Media.

Leadership Team

Robert Stucki EDIT

Robert Stucki

Chief Operating Officer

With 15 years of experience as a leader in educational technology companies, Robert leads our Operations, Support and Success strategy in service of our customers and internal teams. He is responsible for working across functions to ensure the Sirius team uses technology effectively and can scale smoothly as the company grows.

Robert has held senior leadership positions in Operations, Customer Success, and Sales for educational technology companies including Learning A-Z and Slooh prior to joining Sirius Education Solutions.

Leadership Team

Claudia Esquivel

Claudia Esquivel


Claudia Esquivel is the Chief Financial Officer of Sirius Education Solutions. As CFO, Claudia leads the financial direction and strategy for the operation and is responsible for all of the company’s financial functions, including accounting, treasury, and FP&A. Her career spans more than 25 years of experience in financial management, business leadership, and corporate strategy.

Prior to joining SES, Claudia led financial operations in the publishing, wealth management, automotive, and high-tech industries. Claudia holds a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Business Administration from McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin.