Success Story: Leveraging Sirius Year-Round—A Better Approach to STAAR Prep

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Download the success story about how teachers like Maria use Sirius year-round to better prepare their students for STAAR success.

Maria Luisa Cardenas, a 4th-grade reading and math teacher in San Antonio, uses Sirius Online throughout the entire school year—not just in the weeks leading up to the STAAR test, as many other districts do. By integrating Sirius into her daily teaching, Maria has developed a personalized approach to learning that focuses on each student’s unique needs.

Sirius Online offers the flexibility teachers need to tailor their instruction to both their own teaching styles and their students’ individual learning challenges. Our materials are always aligned with the annual STAAR test, making Sirius especially valuable for students who are new to the test.

Using Sirius has helped students succeed who have not passed STAAR tests in previous years. Maria was proud to see special education and Tier 3 students reach “Approaches Grade Level” for the first time ever after using Sirius.

Download our free resource to learn how teachers like Maria use Sirius year-round to better prepare their students for STAAR success. As Maria says:

“For those who haven’t gotten Sirius, you’ll have a greater chance of passing your students once you do.”

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Sirius Education Solutions

Sirius Education Solutions is a Texas-based publisher that focuses exclusively on supplemental TEKS-based instructional materials. Sirius sells print, digital, and blended learning resources for all 20 STAAR-tested courses from grade 3 through End-of-Course (EOC).

In the last 10+ years, Sirius has helped over 700 Texas school districts better align their taught curriculum with how the TEKS are tested in STAAR 2.0, so students learn exactly what they need to know and do to succeed in all 20 tests.

Sirius supplemental resources were designed to be easy to use with core adopted resources to fill instructional and student learning gaps with essential TEKS instruction and STAAR 2.0 practice. And Sirius supports a wide range of student needs and multiple use cases.

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