Reinforcing Key Content
New Sirius Online U.S. History EOC Video Lessons reinforce essential concepts and content. They promote visual literacy and can be used at multiple times in the teaching process:
- at the chronological point of content instruction,
- at the end of a module along with the DBQ and Study Guide and Review,
- as a stand-alone lesson to help reinforce key concepts.
All videos in the program are TEKS-aligned and address frequently tested content. Questions use STAAR question types, and all lessons end with a Short Constructed Response question for student writing practice. Each Video Lesson has:
- a screen to introduce the topic and spark curiosity with open-ended questions,
- a STAAR-style question that engages students’ background knowledge,
- the video that can be enlarged to full screen for better viewing, and
- a sequence of STAAR-style questions that are based directly on the video.
Helping Teachers Support Diverse Students
Each Video Lesson includes Teacher Support with the following materials:
- EB and Struggling Students
Support for each Video Lesson includes vocabulary definitions for Emergent, Bilingual, and struggling students. - All Levels and Below Level Students
Specific moments with minute marks in the video to revisit and explore or explain specific details. - Above Level and Additional Resources
Ideas for ways to extend the lesson for advanced students and websites where students can find out more about the topic presented.
You can examine a sample Video Lesson right away here:
Sirius U.S. History Video Lesson