Sirius Resources


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Tier IV Standard of Evidence: Logic Model & Annotated Bibliography

Sirius Research Prospectus thumbnailAt Sirius Education Solutions, we understand that educators need tools that are grounded in effective research and best practices. That’s why we are proud to share that Sirius Online meets the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Tier IV Standard of Evidence.

We collaborated with the leading research and evaluation nonprofit, McREL International, to meet this evidence standard. Together with McREL, we built a Logic Model and an Annotated Bibliography covering the Research Base supporting the program.

Additionally, we are engaging in on-going research to help guide continuous improvement of the program for you and your students.

Download Research Prospectus

Sirius Online: Research-Based Practices

Some of the research-based features of the design and implementation of Sirius Online include:

  • Rich opportunities for feedback to support metacognitive skills
  • Motivating student–teacher interaction
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Deep curriculum alignment with authentic STAAR practice
  • Spaced review with interleaving

These research-based practices contribute to increased student engagement, greater confidence and motivation, and student self-efficacy and agency, while improving learning and STAAR performance.

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The Sirius Education Solutions annotated bibliography includes studies on how students in grades 3–12 learn, apply their learning, and feel motivated to learn. More details on the search and inclusion process are included in the Appendix.

Contact our team of specialists at Sirius Education Solutions to learn more about the search we conducted with our partners at McREL International and how to bring the research-based Sirius Online to the teachers and students at your school or district!

Download the Research-Based Bibliography